The HomeLife  Franchising Process

process_elementContact us to begin the process of opening your own HomeLife office.

Use the form on the home page or contact us page of the HomeLife franchising site. You can also contact us by phone at 1 800 668 0186.

Once we have received your contact information one of our representatives will contact you to discuss eligibility and the franchising process. You will be asked to complete a form, which confirms your eligibility to open a HomeLife franchise.

The next step is a face to face meeting.

At our meeting, we will provide you with a Franchise disclosure document (when required). You will learn about our company, our franchises, our fees, terms and conditions of the franchise agreement as well as financial information.

You will sign an acknowledgement of receipt and afterwards you will have an opportunity to do your due diligence for a period of 14 days and decide whether a HomeLife franchise is right for you.

Once you have decided to go ahead with a HomeLife franchise a franchise agreement is signed by both parties. HomeLife may assist you in finding a suitable location (if you do not have an established office. We will guide you in incorporation, set up and a business plan.

As soon as you are ready to open, you will be visited again by our franchise relations and education staff to teach you all the HomeLife tools, programs and systems as well as introduce to you and your agents to all of our education and marketing materials.

You can have a new office up and running in 90 days or less, or an office converted within a few weeks.